Zack was born in Seattle Washington in the late 20th century. He has developed an interest in language, aviation, cars, philosophy, travel, and of course, hiking. He has enjoyed time in many countries, he has learned German, how to fly an airplane, and how to drive a car calmly in traffic. Zack is currently building an app for a cooking game.
Ryan was born in the San Francisco Bay Area has been living in Portland for the last decade (keep your transplant comments to yourself). He occupies his time by coding, writing and drawing. He spends too much time reading and dreaming about making video games yet rarely plays them. An armchair historian and carpenter, he's always down for a good heated debate or demolition day.
Despite being an old guy, Mark is enjoying his career switch into development. Since coming out of PSU many years ago with a degree in Graphic Design, he's spent most of his career is digital graphics production and interactive project management. A long-time nerd, he's a music fan and an outdoor guy, a dad and he knows more about walruses than anyone you know.
Arthur is a 30 year old human who enjoys bouldering, biking, board games, and video games. His favorite foods include ramen with extra noodles, fried chicken sandwiches, authentic Chinese food, sushi, eggs benedict, and beer. Arthur is currently working on his About paragraph.